The primary action of Fildena 100mg is to increase blood flow to the penile region of the body. Men with erectile dysfunction are the major target audience for this medication. Sildenafil citrate, the current active ingredient in this medication, helps men have firmer erections by stimulating sexual desire. Take this medication 30 minutes before sexual activity. This medication's effects will persist for 4 to 5 hours. Follow the doctor's advice when taking this medication. You can have great sex with your sexual partner throughout sexual sessions with the aid of this medicine. Children and women should not use this medication.

The dosage of Fildena 100mg is smaller than that of other Fildena variations. is a reputable online pharmacy that offers FDA-approved generic medications at a fair price.
The class of medications known as Phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5) inhibitors include Fildena 100mg. Researchers accidentally found PDE 5 inhibitors' capacity to treat ED in males while investigating their potential application for treating hypertension and angina.
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