If you cancel your KLM (KL) floge due to an unexpected reason or if your flight has been delayed or the airline has canceled the flight or you have refused boarding, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Cancellation & Refund Policy, you can compensate for compensation under the following conditions:
You canceled the KLM flight to/from the USA within 24 hours after booking the ticket, provided you booked it on the official website of KLM.
If the flight is canceled by the airline or the start of the flight was refused and decided not to catch the alternative flight provided by KLM.
If KLM re -formulated your flight and the new changes do not suit you.
If you hold a fully reimbursable ticket in a travel class, you can entitle a KLM refund.
You can cancel your KLM flight if your flight to Europe has been delayed by 90 minutes, making you miss your connecting flight.
You have a refund if you delay an intercontinental flight by 3 hours.
If you or another passenger get sick or die in your booking, you will receive a KLM refund.