An annotated bibliography is a list of sources, such as books, articles, and websites, that includes a brief summary and evaluation of each source. The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to provide a reader with a quick overview of the content and quality of the sources listed.

An annotated bibliography typically includes the following elements for each source:
Citation: The citation includes the bibliographic information for the source, such as the author, title, and publication details.
Annotation: The annotation is a brief summary of the content of the source, as well as an evaluation of its relevance and quality. The annotation should provide enough information for the reader to understand the main points and arguments of the source.
An annotated bibliography is often used as a preparatory step for a research project, as it allows the researcher to identify and evaluate the relevant sources for their project. It can also be used as a standalone assignment help Australia, in which case it should be organized alphabetically by the author's last name.
It is important to note that the formatting and style of an annotated bibliography can vary depending on the specific requirements of the assignment or the discipline in which it is being written. It is important to consult the guidelines provided by the instructor or the style guide being used.
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An annotated bibliography provides an overview or brief account of available research on a given topic. This is a list of research sources that takes the form of a citation for each source.
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